Categories starting with R
Research Group (11)
Items starting with R
Rhiannon Jakopak (former UHURU project manager, Mpala)
As the kids tweet these days, Rhiannon Jakopak "AKA RPJ, AKA Rocket Propelled Jakopak" oversaw UHURU like a boss in 2016. She conducted independent work with Jake on dispersal limitation as an alternative to Brown's resource breadth hypothesis. Rhiannon began her MSc at the University of Wyoming in 2017, working on dispersal and population genetics of mule deer. In this photo, she is handling one of two four-toed hedgehogs captured in UHURU, ever, with equal parts trepidation and exuberance.
Current position: Outreach Coordinator and Research Scientist, University of Wyoming's Haub School
Roché Espadron (former Undergraduate Wyoming Research Scholar, UW)
I was born and raised in New Orleans, LA where I received my first bachelor's in biology from Southern University at New Orleans. Unlike most in the wildlife field, I did not grow up in the outdoors. Instead, I was a city kid that was always curious about the wonders of the natural world. During my time at UW, I had the opportunity to work on independent research linking skull morphometrics from museum and trapper-harvested specimens to sex and age ratios in marten populations. I love exploring national parks, hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing.