Items starting with C
Caroline Ng’weno (former PhD student, UW)
In 2017, Caroline Chebet Ng'weno earned a dual doctorate in Zoology and Hartebeest Whispering. Currently the Deputy Director of Ecological Monitoring at Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Caroline completed a dissertation that was at once conceptually interesting and relevant to the conservation of lions and wild ungulates within Laikipia.
In addition to all of *that*, Caroline spearheaded Earthwatch expeditions, established an outreach program for Samburu women interested in livestock production alongside conservation, and became a black belt in R throughout the course of her dissertation work. And she didn't even bat an eye during the Great Aardvark Rodeo of '07.
Current position: Director of Science, Nature Kenya
Cate Lonyangaita (research technician, Mpala)
Ceicil Otieno (former GIS technician, Mpala)
Christian Bopp (former research technician, Ol Pejeta)
Current position: MSc Student, Northern Arizona University
Clint Atkinson (former research technician, UW)
Clint Atkinson worked with us as a technician on the statewide moose project. From humble beginnings sorting moose kidneys under the watchful eye of Brett Jesmer, he now works in the enviable position of large carnivore biologist for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department out of Lander, Wyoming. Way to go Clint; mind those ursids.
Current position: MSc Student, University of California Berkeley
Corinna Riginos (former postdoctoral fellow, UW)
Corinna Riginos is a staff scientist for The Nature Conservancy in Lander, managing the KLEE experiment, working as an environmental consultant, and rapidly becoming the state's go-to expert on deer-vehicle collisions (all while raising two super-adorable kids). Despite working as a postdoctoral associate in our group for a tragically short period of time, we often claim credit for her professional success in the company of folks who don’t know any better.
Current position: Director of Science, The Nature Conservancy Wyoming Chapter