Items starting with D
Deborah Boro (former MSc student, UNM)
Deborah worked with Seth Newsome and Jake to understand the causes and consequences of ecological generalism in small mammal communities. As you can see from her photo, Deborah relishes test tubes, beakers, pipettes, and fume hoods--you know, real science. She now works as a data manager for Natural Heritage New Mexico.
Dedan Ngatia (PhD student, UW)
I work on a spectacular species! I would be offended if someone doesn’t love the African wild dogs. Although I’m not new to the Laikipia landscape, I only came to know of the wild dogs 10 years ago. Since then, my passion for conserving this species has never faded.
Douglas Kamaru (PhD student, UW)
I was brought up in a village on the northern shores of Lake Naivasha; this gave me an opportunity to experience the magnificent of nature, including hippos and bird diversity. These ignited my love for wildlife.