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Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University

Items starting with A

Abdullahi Hussein Ali (former PhD student, UW)

Abdullahi Hussein Ali (former PhD student, UW)

Besides the guy in the Dos Equis commercials, Abdullahi Hussein Ali might be the most interesting man in the world (we're biased, of course!). Fluent in four languages, Ali was born to a household of 13 brothers and sisters on the Kenya-Somali border. At the age of eight, he first set foot in a permanent structure, a schoolhouse that his uncle--then the Chief of General Staff of the Kenya Defence Forces--built with funds from the president as a reward for suppressing a military coup.

Ali's dissertation focused on the range collapse, demography, and conservation of hirola, a critically endangered antelope confined to a swath of unprotected land in eastern Kenya.

Current position: Director and Founder, Hirola Conservation Programme

Adam Ford (former PhD student, UBC)

Adam Ford (former PhD student, UBC)

Adam "AKA All Terrain, AKA Aboot Toque, AKA Alcohol-Tobacco-Firearms" Ford completed a Liber Ero postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Guelph, before joining the faculty at the University of British Columbia Okanagan as a Canada Research Chair.

We have many fond and unusual memories of Adam. These include, but are not limited to, a Hazzard county-esque chase ending unceremoniously with bout of pink eye, and a tense situation involving a dying rabbit call, a leopard, and an unspeakable amount of mud. He will be missed mightily, and we don't mean perhaps.

Current position: Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Restoration Ecology, University of British Columbia Okanagan

Ali Hassan (research technician, Mpala)

Ali Hassan (research technician, Mpala)

Ali has worked with our research group for over 10 years. He is the consummate natural historian, with encyclopedic knowledge of darned near every critter--flora and fauna--on the UHURU project. Ali is absolutely essential to keeping our projects in Laikipia running smoothly while we're across the pond.

Alois Wambua (former research technician, Mpala)

Alois Wambua (former research technician, Mpala)

Alois "Ali" Wambua worked both as the small mammal fundi for the UHURU experiment and the Mammalogy Section at the National Museums of Kenya. His work was funded by the Kenya National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation and the U.S. National Science Foundation, and he is now pursuing an MSc at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His involvement with UHURU rounded out our research group's triumvirate of high-quality Ali's.

Current position: Research Assistant, Pride of Meru Programme

Amos Kibara (former research technician, Ijara)

Amos Kibara (former research technician, Ijara)

Amos Muthee Kibara worked as the lead technician for Ali's field work on hirola conservation in Ijara, Kenya. He joined our group from the Mount Kenya Conservancy where he helped manage a captive breeding program for highland bongos. We are glad Amos sacrificed personal comfort to trade the balmy foothills of Mount Kenya for the blistering heat of Ijara for this work! He continues to serve as coordinator of field conservation for the Hirola Conservation Program.
Annabella Helman (PhD student, UW)

Annabella Helman (PhD student, UW)

Growing up visiting my parents' childhood homes in South Africa meant visiting the incredible wildlife in Pilanesberg National Park. The respect I gained for the interconnectedness of this ecosystem and effects of predators in that landscape cultivated my love for the natural world.