Items starting with J
Jake Goheen
I am a lucky fellow because I get paid to do what I love to do. I am an academic generalist and I try hard to be a conservation biologist, community ecologist, and mammalogist simultaneously. I am interested in both applied issues and basic questions in ecology. Through my research and that of our group, I try to understand how species interactions can inform wildlife conservation and management.
Janet Maclean (former MSc student, UBC)
Janet Maclean earned her MSc with Jake and Roy Turkington through the University of British Columbia in 2012 and is now a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Janet’s work demonstrated a heretofore unappreciated and (dare we state) pretty darned cool phenomenon: seed and seedling consumption by rodents had effects comparable to those of large ungulates on the demography of a monodominant savanna tree. Chalk one up for the charismatic microfauna!
Jesse Alston (former PhD student, UW)
During his tenure at UW, Jesse worked tirelessly to raise awareness for several of life’s underappreciated gems, including (but certainly not limited to) Billy Joe Shaver live albums, delicioso homegrown rabbits, and outside trap pull blocks. And we would be remiss to not mention his clutch spotting a P. pardus outside the Aberdare Wandare gate, providing good clean fun for one and all.
Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona