Britt Brito (former MSc student, UW)
Britt is a superfan of the Green Bay Packers, and other mammals great and small. Enduring Jake for three courses during her undergraduate bestowed Britt with the patience and tenacity necessary to endure the Tatooine-esque landscapes of Wyoming's Red Desert.
Current position: Biologist, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Brito, B.T. and J.R. Sanchez. 2020. Tunnel diameter as a noninvasive method of detecting pocket gopher (Geomyidae) occupancy. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:756-759. PDF
Brito, B.T., N.L. Bjornlie, M.D. Carling, and J.R. Goheen. 2023. Diet selection, commonness, and rarity in a pair of smooth-toothed pocket gophers. Journal of Mammalogy 104:915-928. PDF