Lane Jeakle (MSc student, UW)

Going into undergrad, I had no idea that my passion for nature could become my career. I was fortunate to have mentors that pushed me to explore my interests and broaden my ecological background, cementing my love for wildlife. Participation in research projects and summer fieldwork led me to develop interests in carnivore ecology, habitat fragmentation, and non-invasive sampling techniques.
Through my field positions, I’ve been able to travel the country, explore a wide variety of ecosystems, and work with several species (including grizzly bears, mink, wolves, elk, mountain goat, and bobcats). Most recently, I was a part of the Indiana Gray Fox Project, focused on the long-term population decline of the species throughout the Midwest. Through my Master's, I am researching harvest and population dynamics of marten in national forests of Wyoming.
When I have free time, I love to fly fish, hike/backpack, listen to music, cook, and explore new outdoor hobbies.